E-Plug Control Valve
The E-Plug offers a high degree of precision control over extended life span through enhanced safety. The MTECK E-Plug is a high performance, safety focused, economical, yet feature rich, Eccentric Rotary Plug control valve for applications demanding higher rangeability, precise control and higher flow capacity.
The E-Plug valve offers rangeability up to 160:1, compared to 50:1 for typical globe control valves and 20:1 for most butterfly valves. A heavy-duty, non-crossover shaft is out of the valve’s flow path. This superior design allows higher flow capacity for a given valve size. It also eliminates shaft damage from erosive process fluids. Many competitor designs use a straight-thru shaft which presents an obstruction to the flow, limiting capacity and presenting a target for erosion.
Because of its higher rangeability and increased flow capacity, the E-Plug can be smaller in size and dimensional envelope for a given process condition, making it the most economical control valve for many general applications.
The E-Plug offers positive, anti-blowout protection by means of a separate bonnet and integral shaft collar, as a standard option, emphasizing its status as the safest Eccentric Rotary Plug valve on the market. The end-post shaft is designed so there is no possibility for it to be lost downstream. The end-post is rugged, precision machined, perfectly aligned, and positively retained so movement is smooth and precise. The oversized shaft provides improved reliability and valve life by eliminating shaft failures and reducing bearing wear.
Operated by a heavy duty piston spring cylinder actuator coupled with a positioner, the E-Plug maintains high positioning accuracy, repeatability, controlled high speed and reliable response.
E-Plug Control Valve Specification
The MTECK E-Plug is a high performance, safety focused, economical, yet feature rich, Eccentric Rotary Plug control valve for applications demanding higher rangeability, precise control and higher flow capacity.